Saturday, June 25, 2005

The bar is open...let's drink to the salt of the earth...

My best friend...Happy Birthday Bro...R.I.P.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Here is yet another Macrosuck...

...seems they don't like much my implication that open source is better...

gee...just imagine my surprise...

so I thought I would post the link they have posted as a re-direct many times here...

under this...

You still suck the life out of the net and the people who use it for the most part...
and it is no wonder at all that you do not care for open source media at all...

Presented as a public service to the public by the public on a public blog...

...suck on that!

How Pregnancy Does NOT Happen...


How Pregnancy Happens...


Goodbye Bitch...

is always tough to say...

...maybe this will help...

Lightsaber Safety...

...don't put your eye out!...


...maybe this will help...

The Jedi Song...

Ok, let's all sing along... this...

Yes...she can...

...beat it with a stick...

This makes me want to...


Agnes was shocked to learn that...

she had lost her diaphram...

but when the search team found it she was very happy indeed...

Just ask Mommy Jane...

...(not that there is anything wrong with that)...

Bad Ass Biker...


Leftover Lunch...

we called them "science projects"...

Monday, June 13, 2005

Spammer meets Spider...


Ant Lion...Safari...

i will just bet you...he never wore converse all stars of any size...

just a guess...

something we all must remember not to forget...

size 10 1/2 Converse All Stars and white...

note the url...nuff said...

Mike Tyson will bite the head off a LIVE chicken for Five Grand!


so would I...what is so special about that...

did I say that out loud?

sexinchristo para le vu a humma humma...


I'm not sayin' I'm just sayin'...

I didn't do wasn't me...

oh cat just...

tossed major cookies...

whew...thank heyzeuschristo...for i care...'s a secret!

don't tell anybody...

Anyone who knows me...knows this...

I have worn Converse "Chuck Taylor" High Tops for most of my life...

Size 10 1/2...

and that's all I have to say about that...

rate my vomit...


what if i want to keep them?...j/k...

throw aways...a very long ways...

Dan's Indy Speedway brings you!...

here are photos of Danica Patrick, girl racer.

again...way too easy...ahem...way to go DAN!...

this is too easy and way to loaded...

methinks I will just post it...

I hope somewhere here you will ask yourself...


he is just here to help you...



...giggle... no likkkeee? soup for you...


A commentary by..."The Devil's Own"...


ok...just so ya know...poor guy, sheesh...

look we all love furry creatures...

this IS a bit much though...

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Well of course they need clothes...


Be afraid...

be very afraid...

A way of cutting through the crap...

More idiotic stupid s*it...Star Wars is Satan!!!...

Run for the hills!...

If this is a repost...

somebody shoot me...

time waste...

Here are the Top Cut Show Pig Sites...

just in case you were wondering...

read the archives also...

simple as that...

and no you did not think of this either...

...c'mon...don't say you did...

Well, I didn't think of this...

did you?,you didn't either...


looks ok to me...but what the f*ck do I know?...

Speaking of which...

here is some Carcass Art...

I have no clue...

posted simply as way to be disturbing...

Cheap shot...but...

...if they could be fired from a cannon at 30 yards...
I would need an

Need I remind you...

...I just post here... my job...that is what I do...

Actually...I can use this...


I dunno...what do you think?...

Or has thinking become a last resort for folks?...

On the other hand this could be fun...


I it all means anyway...



...huh?... other folklore...

this was going on right under our nose...'s the end of the world!

...really this time...

Well, we for sure need to NOT let our children read these books!...

and while we are at it why don't we add a few thousand more to the list...

because we all know that free expression is evil...

The federal government shall make no law which...

infringes on the law of individual states...
...wanna bet on that?...

I went down to the Farmer's Market today...

and got me some cold tomatoes

After much consideration...a lighter note...

may I present the bonsai potato...