Thursday, June 29, 2006

At least Georgie is for sure on the way out...

The Supremes just said so...

Look...yer not gonna believe this...

I am actually beneath it all fairly conservative...

And I do not hate George Bush...
I just can not stand what he stands for!...
And how he sells fear to keep people in line...

America was attacked by surprise on December 7th 1941...
Today Japan is one of the great walls we have against further ignorance!

I just do not belive in totalitarianism's in any way, shape or form!

Be it 1941...
Be it radical religion...
Be it Americans allowing it to this country...
Be it in 1776...

It is my hope that Americans can face whatever may face us...
Without fear...
Is that not what freedom is?

You can't have your cake and eat it too King George!...
Not any more...The Supreme Court just said so...

Well hell...

seems my recent hotlinks have died...

that sucks!...

all I wanted to do was "borrow" the internet a for short while and share it with some other folks...


oh well...

at least...

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Good night!...And have a pleasant tomorrow...

Stephen Colbert vs. Congressman Lynn Westmoreland (GA)

I am a firm believer in the tenants of the commandments...

I think most of us are...If we know it or not...

I just do not think they need to be posted on a billboard in our legislative houses...

And...When you are trying to pass laws to jam them down someone else's throat...

Ya might want to maybe know what they are...

Today's front pages...

(wish I would have thought of's brilliant)!...

More views...of the small blue marble...


A little sightseeing...

from the top down...

If the people will just do what the politicians tell them...

without question...

We all will be a lot better off...

Spiro Agnew was forced to resign his office in disgrace...

Spend some time here thinking about your leaders folks...

PSA...A very interesting link...


Remember Pong?...

this is just slightly

A special Father's Day message...


Moo-ving on...Why I love the internet...

Reason 4,568,498...

Stop All Free Thought and Expression!...

Uncle Georgie needs you!...

Ladies...I swear!...

Apparently I received errant intelligence...
I may have made mistakes...

Ok...I will work on being more sophisticated...
So...then...all is forgiven...right?...

Ah...c'mon!...It worked for George Bush!

I should have spent the $19.95 on this years ago...

Before that there was a whole string of dolls...

The one before that liked to argue...

The girlfriend I had before her...

Here is a picture of my ex girlfriend in my house...

Speaking of dumbasses...

here's one...

Dear spammer...Please read!...

Last night I dreamed...


Speaking of beer transportation vehicle's...

Here is an idea...

(I didn't say it was a good idea)...

We "foreign types" have strange dreams too ya know...

Oh!...Now it all makes perfect sense!...

Thanx for clearing that up!...

Note: a number of spelling mistakes have been corrected throughout the text in order to improve readability and facilitate comprehension for foreign readers.

This would be just perfect for making beer runs...

when yer too drunk to actually drive...

Monday, June 05, 2006

Oh yeah...the Mavericks...

are just about ready to beat the 'ell out of Shaq Daddy...

you heard it here first!...(just so ya know)...