Thursday, September 28, 2006

Blogger Statement:

We are trying our best to bring you a lot of things that may or may not work from time to time depending on how many things we are working on from time to time.

We @ Google are so caught up in bringing you new beta things...we just thought you would be thrilled!

One blog's response...

I want my computer to work...every time.
I want my browser to work...every time.
And I want my frickin' blog to work...every time!

...beta you should think about that some...

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Meanwhile back on the internet...

Credit where credit is due...

thatimagesite.con...will get no credit from me...

unless they would add to each photo they hi-jacked...the place or person they received it from...

That's all I'm asking...

None of us has time to credit all the things we refer to on the net...
Then again...most of us try...

Act like it is your internet...
And it will be.

Just trust your instincts folks...

Just don't eat it...really...don't!...

And overdue credit...


Student for life versus student of life...

AOL...Indoctrination begins at an early age...

National Intelligence Estimate


Friday, September 22, 2006

Speaking of metaphors...

Gotcha, didn't I?...

Puppies always work!...

Think about it...

through the looking glass over and over again the same

So I'm driving home...

After a long day at work and a few beers.
I'm tired.
I just want to get home to a hot shower and a cold night-cap.

So I drive extremely carefully.

What if I had left five minutes before?
Five minutes later?

What if my windshield was a little cleaner?
What if that car, wasn't in the other lane beside me, pinning me against the median?

In a very few seconds...My options were gone...

A 6 month old black pup is difficult to see at night...
But, I saw it.

Even looked into his eyes.
Time seemed to slow down...
Watched his tail wagging.
Heard him yelp as the front end of my truck broke his neck.

I did not set out to kill anything today.
But I did.
And there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it.

In those very few seconds I decided not to wreck my truck and my life for that dog.

And created another ghost I will carry with me the rest of my life...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Need I say more?...


As long as I live...You will never find this look on my face...


A short theatrical presentation....


If you only examine one post on this blog...this is the one...
for now...;-) I was saying...let me see if I have this right...


QUESTION: Mr. President, former Secretary of State Colin Powell says, The world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism. If a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and former secretary of state feels this way, don’t you think that Americans and the rest of the world are beginning to wonder whether you’re following a flawed strategy?

BUSH: If there’s any comparison between the compassion and decency of the American people and the terrorist tactics of extremists, it’s flawed logic. It’s just — I simply can’t accept that. It’s unacceptable to think that there’s any kind of comparison between the behavior of the United States of America and the action of Islamic extremists who kill innocent women and children to achieve an objective.

Once again the question asked, is not answered...with many american service people putting their lives on the line...

Within the realm of sanity...does anyone want to tell me that Colin Powell's logic is flawed?...

Attention! wankers!...

You are lame...

and yer mom wants you to come up out of the basement for dinner...

No, you can't have them...

fuck off!...

Iraq War...Metaphor of the Month!...


The clock is ticking...


Watch this guy folks!...

That is way too much time, for him to fuck up again!

George Bush is a Great President, when...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Art...Because it is a mirror!...

And we need it!...

Step one = Concept...

Step two = Execution...

Just want to say that this artist really took things a little bit too far out of what the world is used to...

And I freakin' love it!

If yer not any good at playing...


'ell...I dunno!...You try...


No matter where you go...

There you are...

And any amount and type of baggage you bring with you...

Determines...where you are going.

Only, if you let it.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Schoolchildren recall 9/11 with Bush ...

"His face just started to turn red," said Tyler, now 13 and in seventh grade. "I thought, personally, he had to go to the bathroom."


ROFLMAO!...(Not that there is anything wrong with that)...

Cool data storage...


Not wanting to stand out...Louis quietly read his paper...

Sharing insanity...

with the world...

Now this...

looks like fun!...

Random FAQs

If I see one, shouldn’t I shoot it? I’ll be famous! takes a STRICTLY passive approach to research and strongly condemns anyone who would kill something just to appease their curiosity or to acquire fame and fortune (which is unlikely in any event!) Many speculate that a body is necessary to prove the creature’s existence “so that laws can be passed to protect it”. But there ARE laws. It is illegal to shoot ANY animal out of season - and if these things turn out to be nearer to human than animal (which I suspect is the case), the “discoverer” may find himself facing a manslaughter charge. A dead body won’t tell us how they live, how they behave… only a live study will do that. Finally, the only accounts of true aggression have occured when a Bigfoot is attacked. Remember the Velociraptors in Jurassic Park? Don’t EVER assume a Bigfoot creature is alone… to do so and to shoot at it is foolhardy and dangerous.


Gimmie a freekin' break...


Even rats know...

to leave a sinking ship of fools...

Bush said we would be fighting terrorists "in the streets of our own cities" if we withdrew from Iraq without victory.

How much more twisted is his logic going to get in the next two years?

Aye, the President is an incompetent boob Gar, Where can I find a bottle o'rum?

Aye, filthy sons o'a sea biscuit be lead by scalwags. Aye, me parrot concurs.

Say it with...


Monday, September 04, 2006

Links...meanwhile...back on the internet...


It is amazing to me that a free thinking people....

Can be labeled radical...

And that some of the most radical things we a people...

are represented as conservative...

Hell, I'm confused!

Is it any wonder at all that the rest of the world is too?

Get up...
Stand up...
Stand up for your rights!...
Don't give up the fight!

1,000 and 1 uses...

none of which...I can tell you about here...

Because if I did...I would be on some NSA or FBI or Department of Homeland Stupidity base...

(Right Johno!...LOL!...(Like you are not already)...


Do not drink the Kool-Aid!...The Kool-Aid is bad!...



The Following Will Be...In No Particular Order...

A link dump...

the middle east...

That being said...

Let me see if I can pick a good one for us

Happy Labor Day America!...

Was it good for you?...

Was for me...
It rained the last two days...
That...has not happenened in...hmmm...pretty much...forever!...

It was not 115-120 degrees F where I work...
That has not happened in...hmmm...pretty much...forever!...

The thing about living where I do is you have two renewal seasons a year...
The first is before you are cooked...
The second is when you know that you will be cooked no more...

(Most people know these seasons as spring and fall)...

Rarely does the heat break this early in the year...
And rarely has it been more appreciated...

The BBQ and the beer were very good...
The steady drizzle of rain falling from a very cool sky was better!