Friday, December 08, 2006

Move Over, Hoover...

it gets worse...

Pure Genius!...Johno says...Five Stars!....


'Bong Hits for Jesus'...Goes to Supreme Court...

I don't make this stuff up folks...

Still having a great day?...

Watch this...
You will be inspired to set yourself on fire and jump off a cliff!

Cool clock...


Are you an idiot?...

Be prepared to spend some time trying to prove you are not...

If you are having a great day...

Watch this...
It will make you want to kill yourself!...

Need a map?...

If you are male...look here...

If you are female...Do Not try to read this!
(And no ladies, we are NEVER lost)!

Firefox extensions...


Do not add anything on to IE7!!! There have been nasty unconfirmed reports that your CPU will melt!

Drew Bledsoe is a professional...

And would never hold a grudge...

Bored?...Shave a Yeti...


Here is a very peaceful song...

to follow that last one...

Jingle Bells played backwards...

Listen carefully....this is amazing!

You Tube Tools...


To blog or not to blog?...

How and what?
How much of what content?

All very deep questions that I have been asking myself of late...
The answer to all of them is "Just post the stuff Johno!"

There are serious blogs out there...
This was never really meant to be one of them...

I may vent here from time to time on serious topics...but this is done more to spare my friends the verbal beating of listening.

You, dear internet; take the beating instead.

I have made time to add some seasonal colors here...
Y'er welcome...
On with the show...