Wednesday, November 23, 2005

A few predictions...(no, I'm not cheating)...

Tomorrow there will be massive NEWS coverage of the massive travel that people made in massive numbers to eat and drink massive amounts with massive groups of family and friends...followed by the weather...
And on Friday...
This will be massively under-reported when compared to the massive amount of people who are visiting massive malls and spending massive amounts of money...(or so local retail shops hope, we will be told)...
We will see featured 'stand up interviews" with someone from the following cities; New York, Atlanta, perhaps San Francisco...and definitely some obscure midwestern central town no one cares about.
Allow me to review:
Travel, travel, travel, crowded travel, travel, shopping, weather, crowded shopping,
Money, Money, Money, Santa, travel, sickly sweet story on "being together"!

Who would have thunk it? Not me, I can tell you.

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