Friday, October 13, 2006

Random thoughts...

Careful with that Ax, Eugene
Syd Barrett


My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is almost over.
Our Constitution works; our great Republic is a government of laws and not of men. Here the people rule.
Paraphrase of President Ford's inauguration speech following Watergate


America is the greatest idea in the world, even if we as Americans are not always the best at recognizing that. The least little thing we do to remind ourselves of what it means to us to be free; is a small step towards the ideal.


In joining battle, seek the quick victory. If battle is protracted, your weapons will be blunted and your troops demoralized. If you lay siege to a walled city, you exhaust your strength. If your armies are kept in the field for a long time, your national reserves will not suffice. Where you have blunted your weapons, demoralized your troops, exhausted your strength and depleted all available resources, the neighboring rulers will take advantage of your adversity to strike. And even with the wisest of counsel, you will not be able to turn the ensuing consequences to the good. There never has been a state that has benefited from an extended war.
Know your enemy.

Sun-Tzu's fifth century B.C. classic, The Art of War


Without freedom of thought there can be no such thing as wisdom; and no such thing as liberty without freedom of speech.
Benjamin Franklin


The first responsibility of any President, is to defend The Constitution;
all other things are second...


The King would have it so the realm obeyed. The King...would be King!


Oh, king eh? Very nice! And how'd you get that, eh?
Monty Python And The Holy Grail

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