Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Manly?...yes!...WTF happened to your car?

He nailed a steel and concrete pole...
(Caution! Very Graphic Destruction)...

It really is ok to cry guys...
You would have to be not human not to...

Nothing wrong with this either...really!...

He's Gay!...

(Not that there is anything wrong with that)...
And btw...
Thanx again...
Mr. Pitts...

Amazing Anagrams of famous people...


try it yourself here...

Tuesday Is National Pancake Day...



'cause we need it?...

Damn Ninjas!

they seem to be...everywhere!...

However..."strictly speaking"...Not a violation...

Substance found at UT is not ricin...

"I was like doing my laundry?...ya know?...And there was like this powdery stuff inside my roll of quarters?...ya know?...so I like tripped a little and I thought about the terrorists?...ya know?...I mean ya just don't know...ya know?...so I like really really really started feeling really bad...ya know?...I'm just really glad it wasn't the real thing...ya know...Like...Wow!..."

Saturday, February 25, 2006

...the citizen

...who thinks he sees that the commonwealth's political clothes are worn out, and yet holds his peace and does not agitate for a new suit, is disloyal; he is a traitor.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Until next time...




OMG!!!...they've stolen...

Einsteins Brain!

And now...

here's a chick crashing her motorcycle...

filmed by a chick crashing her motorcycle...


All original material on this web site is © 1955-2006 Westboro Baptist Church. You may use any of our material free of charge for any reason.

Thank you...
I just did...
You frickin' idiots...

Anonymous member of congregation...

In-frequently Asked Questions...Answered by Idiots...


In the history of ever?...

Largest idiots of all time?...

Largest idiot of all time?...

A true article of love...

written by a hopeless romantic...

Sending out...

an S.O.S.

OK...here's some...

Happy News...

Obvious truth?...Or truly obvious?...Just plain hard facts...

Any way you look at things this is interesting...

As is this...

And this...

In conversations with people who have children approaching draft age; I have reminded them of the steady escalation of the Vietnam War.

A war in which politicians thought little before becoming hopelessly entangled with an enemy they had no understanding of. When the politicians realized the war was not win-able, they spoke of turning over the main burden of fighting to the South Vietnamese.
When the politicians realized that would not work, they started talking about "peace with honor."

The honor, from a politicians viewpoint, was to have the world watch as thousands were abandoned to horrible fates; as the last helicopters left the embassy roof.

But, of course, the Bush administration has told us that there are no comparisons with Vietnam in Iraq. Even chuckled a little at how silly a person would have to be to think such a thing.

I think they were right. I think it's worse than Vietnam.
The entire region is now on the verge of being completely destabilized.

It is in Iran's best interest to have Iraq in turmoil.
It is in Al Qaeda's best interest to have Iraq in turmoil.
Certainly they have already worked to create the current turmoil.
It's fair to guess they will not stop.

That much should be obvious.
That much should have been obvious before the Iraq war ever started.

The truth is America cannot afford to pull out and abandon the oil fields of the region.
The hard fact is we are in this for the long haul. We don't have any choice...now.

The American people, (and perhaps especially those who have supported this administration in Iraq); need to look at their children and realize they may soon be caught up in a much wider war.


Ladies and Gentlemen...

Your attention please!...

A pers-anal message from George Bush...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


...It's just really difficult to know where to go from here...

If George can't deal with current events...and we are stuck with him...dammit!...

If the entire population of the Earth has just gone stupid...
lemme know...because I am pre-disposed to believing otherwise...

Look...everyone please understand this...your concept of what American's are...
...is just not what American's are...

You...are just going to have to take that on faith...

deal with it...

If and when George Bush gets his head out of his ass...
OK...yer right...(never going to happen)...my apologies...


After George Bush...the American people would very much like to to return to reason within and without...

Trust me on that one...

Monday, February 20, 2006

Georgie Boy!...Don't do it man!...really...ya don't have t...ah shit...too late...


Gotta song stuck in yer head?...

How about a tune you just can't place?...

Tap into it...

Never mind all that...

here is the truth...

No...that's not it either...

Try this...

This should do it...

click this...

Ok...lemme pick a good one for ya...

Half Life...Trigger Effect...


Ok...ya got me...I'm a gamer too...
So?...Sue me!

Damn right!...

I want one!...

In answer to something sent to me...


'cause we need it!

(You know who you are)...

SuP Ya'll?...

Just a note to thank everyone for recent submittals...
It's nice to have the input...

Some of them will make it onto the blog...
And some will not...

If I do not post your suggested link/links...
Please keep sending them...

I need that voodoo that you do so well...

The Management

Saturday, February 11, 2006



have a coke and a smile...

Or two...

Before making a hardware modification...

We then will have something to eat...

And cleaning out the rats nest on our desktop...

Meeting with our consultant...

We will be installing a few new drives...

SuPSystems Inc...will be down for maintenance...

PSA...News you can use!...

Whiskey PC...
(I'm waiting for the Vodka mod vers 2.0)...

PSA...News you can use!...

Find out exactly where Aunt Claudia is on her journey...
or exactly when her plane fell out of the sky...

A charming fellow...

wishes to convey his regard to the rest of us...

1811 Dictionary of...

the Vulgar Tongue...

The Zero Dollar...


Totally trashing...

a truck...

Note to self...

Another of those...(Excellent)...

Chain Reaction Thingys...

Bush would sell wood...

to create funds to give back to folks who live in...wait for it...

the woods...

Former FEMA Chief F'Up...says Chief F'd Up!...

just imagine...my surprise...

And the Department of Homeland Stupidity is also partially responsible...

(astounded, I would have never guessed)!

Bush is a bust...

full story here...

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Former FEMA Chief F' Up Michael Brown...

is ready to roll over on Bush Administration's handling of Katrina...

unless they help protect him from them thorns in the briarpatch...

this...could be good...

The Vice-President of The United States...

Authorized the release of classified material...for political gain...

Just exactly how many "superiors" does the Vice-President's Chief of Staff have?...

Is this what they meant about righting the moral compass?...

Damn right!...

I want one...
(also useful for sorting out spammers)...

PSA...News you can use!...

Coke Can + Chocolate = Fire...


I'm drinking beer...out of a bottle...
and chocolate doesn't go well with beer...

so somebody try this and let me know...

Rate it...


Let's take a short break...

loosen up and dance a bit...
shall we?...

Another of Johno's...

Blogs of interest that I just recently ran across and wanted to post here on my blog so maybe you could check it out...

(Actually this is the first one posted like this...but who's counting)...

hee hee hee...


Really creepy...

spooky stuff...

Hat etiquette...

Asshats not included...

Dude...Where's My Car?... ... ... Oh!...

Something for...

the ladies...

(I wonder if The American Decency Asshats are aware of this)...

Also useful...

for sorting out spammers...

Damn right!...

I want one!...

BTW...just so ya know...


Just imagine...

my surprise...

PSA...News you can use!...

EPA Refuses to Confirm or Deny Coverup

Speaking of which...

Nope...too easy...

way too easy...

Cartoon Riots!...

no...not those cartoons...these cartoons...

Hey Kids!...

Tell Mom and Dad to get you a wienerwhistle!

Then tell them to take your computer away because you really should'nt be reading this!...



to the future...

(not that there is anything wrong with that)...

Stars and Stripes forever...

and ever and ever and ever...

So you don't forget!...

order before midnite tonite!...

An Important message from The American Decency Association...

who seem to have some concerns about the Super Bowl...
No...This Year's Super Bowl!

OMG...It's The End Of The World!...

well...it is to me anyway...

(stop smirking...he still might be the antichrist...you don't know)...

Hey Georgey Boy!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

More people have died defending a "God"...

than for any other reason on earth...throughout history...

I think that is stupid...

really...frickin' dumb...

and if I were God...

I would be sad...
really sad...very sad indeed...

c'mon world...we can do better...

Let's not forget this guy...