Friday, April 28, 2006

One of these people has won a Pulitzer Prize...

Dave just wanted to thank me for all the great ideas over the years...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Further Food for Thought...


Possible future of The Information Super Highway?

It's not your internet...Not anymore!...

Not as of tomorrow!...

Tis' a very sad day Johno's world...

Telephone and cable companies own 98% of the high-speed broadband networks the public uses to go online for reading news, shopping, listening to music, posting videos or any of the thousands of other uses developed for the Internet. But that isn’t enough. They want to control what you read, see or hear online.

To Borrow a Para-phrase...

Having solved all the important problems in the world...

Look what these people are upset about this week...

As the fall elections get closer and closer...

More and more Re-Bubbleycans will be saying; Bush?...Bush who?

And the Demorats will be saying; "You know him!"
And the Re-Bubbleycans will say; "No, we don't know him!"

(This will happen at least three times)...

God Bless America!...

Something tells me this is exactly what the founders intended...
And what every drop of blood that has been spilled since in the name of liberty has been spilled for...not...

PSA...Self Help Hotline!...

I wonder what will happen if I do...this?...

Leading celebrity canidate to next be "Born Again!"...

(...not that there is anything wrong with that)...

Yep!...Charlie Sheen...


Before winning the lottery, Swofford impregnated two co-workers and married one of them. The women were sisters.

Then there was this...

"I've become a born-again Christian and God has given me a stewardship of his money," Swafford said in an earlier interview.

(Apparently he has stewardship of God's cars too)...

PSA!...How to Keep Your Money Safe!...

Put it here...

And then put it here...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

What's that?...I 'ear ya...

When I was a child...

My parents would tell me that monsters were not real...they didn't exist... they do!...

Personally...I wouldn't even bring this up...except to say...teach your children well...Please!

Whatever fate awaits this "thing"...
It will be too good a fate for "it"...

And no...I will not give it dignity by referring to it in human terms...
nuff said...


Apparently...all of them...

The administrator of this blog would like to point out that the visitor should draw no inference from this post being made after having had a conversation with himself thereby exposing his deeply seated "Battyness"...
Play Ball!

no, no...
please don't thank us...
our pleasure...
The Management

Watch this!...

and then watch this...

These are actually the recorded dreams of Dubya!...

You did it again!!!

Hey pal...screewww you!...

(This blog will now return to normal programming).

Cheers?...and a look inside the blogger's mind...

Apparently folks in to drink!...

Just surprise...

Thank God and the heavens we have a clear thinking leader here on this side of the pond; unstained of the taint and sin of the demon alcohol!...

That was completely un-called for!

No it was not!...

Yes it was, it has nothing to do with the article you posted!


Look, you can't just go posting away on all manner of things and then insert your obvious bias toward George Bush!

Why not?...

Because if you are trying to dis-credit him, you need substantive arguments!

May I ask you something?...

If you must, just try to remember that I am you.

When you were in school; did the captain of the debate team make a great impression on you?...

Now that you mention it, no, why?

Me either...How about the people that were always getting inside your head and making you understand things/see things in a different way?...

Substantive argument through expanded context? Is that the point you are trying to make?

Wow!...You do learn fast!...

Remember that I am you.

BTW...Why don't you ever post anything?...

You won't let me!

Damn right!...

Something of a mixed blessing...

This blog's last Easter post this year...

(not that there is anything wrong with that)...

Put it down!...

really...put the gun down!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Easter Cocktails...

It's been a long week...and I admit I just wanted to use the term "Easter Cocktails"...for whatever reason...

And that is what I will tell God...when I see him...

(As soon as God explains to me...what exactly, in his infinite wisdom; he was thinking of in my life)...Shalom!...

It's ok...really...(I'm sure this is an Easter or Passover sort of thing)...

Speaking of love/hate relationships...

Trust me...somehow my job will make me hate air next...

And I used to enjoy a good...

BTW...Years ago I loved...

Consolation prize...The 20 Hamburgers

You Must Eat...

The Top Fifty Restaurants...

You will never eat in...

Don't Get Mad!...

Get Even!...

Once More: Cell Phones and Brain Cancer?...

This time, there IS a link!...

For reasons I will not elaborate on here; I always suspected as much...

Suffice to say; in regard to all previous studies on the relationship between cell phones... and brain must also believe...

1.Cigarettes do not cause lung cancer...
(and nicotine is not addicting)...

2.Exxon/Mobil really cares very deeply about the environment...

And...George W. Bush is the greatest president in the history of ever...

31 Different Ways To...

Tie your frickin' shoes...

271 Ways To Enjoy...


Monday, April 10, 2006

Google...all about Google...on a blog...hosted by Google...

(just a test)...

watch it here...

A few and a bit critical...
hmmmm....let's see what happens...


1. Spiffy!...

2. Wow!...those are some big teeth!...

3. (Talks like a man).

4. Be Happy!...Be Very Happy!...

5. Apparently things happen there...did i mention wow?...

6. The Googleplex?...okeydokey then...

7. Kiss ASS!!!...

8. Apparently Google has Big Impact!...(insert more wows and such here)...

9. My God...those are some big teeth!...

10. At Google, we are sooooo cool that we give away 20% of what we think is famous!...

11. They have "tech talks"!!!...

12. The Dreaded Google that's what the huge teeth are for...okey dokey then...

13. gosh...golly...gee...they even have sand...

14. It's a frickin' that?

15. I have really big teeth...and I have a lot of trouble keeping my eyes completely open!!!...

16. Ok...somebody start up some spirit!!!...(puking over here ya'll)...

17. If you watch our vid closely you will note that we have lots and lots of balls...everywhere...

18. Fuckin' Huge Teeth!...

19. 'olly 'ell...there were NO TEETH in that shot...did you see that?...

20. More balls though...sheesh...

21. OMG!!!...these people are sooooo cool!!!!...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

ann...You disgrace the name Ann...

This is so full of ignorance I won't dignify it by ripping it apart piece by piece...

May I quote you here?
"You want to be careful not to become just a blowhard."...Washington Post 10/16/98

"Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Ed Meese, Oliver North, Clarence Pendleton, Newt Gingrich, Karl Rove, Tom DeLay -- all these men saw their names used as curse words."

These are the American icons you hold near and dear to your heart?

I think I see where you were trying to go there girlie...
But you started with Joe McCarthy and the republican that came the closest to completely subverting the constitution.
So much so, that his own party was primarily responsible for ousting him.

Witch hunts?...Whitewater ring any bells inside that empty shell you call a head dear?...How about the "name a gate" extravaganza?

annie...a last bit of advice...

If you want to question the integrity of someone; you better stick to the people you feel you can walk on and dictate to...

(You probably call them; "The one's that don't matter").

Ann Richards, is way out of your league...

Hell, this has to be worth at least 50 cents...

Sunday, April 02, 2006

This is important stuff!...

you need to know this!....

Alright dammit!...Pay attention!...

Speaking of idiots...let's consider once again the spammer...

the lowest of life forms that can be found on this planet...
because they actually believe what they are doing to the rest of us, is going to make them rich...(also rated highly @ least intelligent life form)...

Next...the troll...ugly creature...that one...

And finally, the flaming troll spammer...that obnoxious SOB that has nothing better to do than spam you, fuck with yer website, then complains when you post something like this just for them:




Screw that...just send 'em some porn!...

And Kids, alcohol is very bad for you also... proof!...

Remember Kids!...

Some select items are suitable for Easter?...


Well...Ok...I mean I'm not against this sort of thing...
