Tuesday, March 29, 2005

What if there were no hypothetical questions?

My theory is there would still exist geeks upon the earth...

This is me...just substitute "the missile"...for Johno trying to figure out the world on an everyday basis...
To borrow an "old" joke...depends on what your definition of...IS...is...does it not?...

Let's move on to local navigation...The correct way to get your Personal Water Craft launched...
for summer...

This on the other hand is brilliant in my humble opinion...

Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?

It rubs the lotion on it's skin...
oh, fer cryin' out loud...

oh, fer cryin' out loud part 2...

Thursday, March 24, 2005

blah blah blah yada yada yada...

Flies! I see flies everywhere I tell you! Flies!...

Somebody loves me...ahhh...

slightly disturbing...

Even more disturbing
... all about my vagina...
... and one or two things I guess every woman needs to know?...
(Well, it was on the internet so it must be useful right)?
Oh, and speaking of vaginas...

Now, this is a bracket...

But hey...It's Easter!...Butt hay!...(now that IS a disturbing visual)...
Let's PARTY!...

...anyway...this is, I'm quite sure, what J.C. had in mind...
oh?...you dis-agree?...hmmm...okey dokey then...
surely we can always rest easy knowing Jesus is with us on AOL?

...methinks heyzeuschristo founded this club...
too bad he didn't have a blog...

...and a toothy easter smoochie to you too...

ooops...apparently Easter has been canceled...
...somebody Please!... inform TED!

Before you get all upset @ any of the above links please note:
1. I don't care.
2. These are simply websites I linked to.
3. If your God likes little sports statues...is on AOL...and can't take a joke...
...then I'm sorry for you...and Ted...

Now where was I?...oh...I remember...Parents!...here is a link for your doomed republican children...
(you have my sympathy)...everyone who believes in Mr. President George Bush raise your hand!...
...wow...kids...that's great! Look at all those hands raised up high!...
Now, what about Peter Pan?...

Let this be a lesson to ya then...never believe in fairy tales or politicians...'specially 'publican ones...they are after all...the same sort...
...oh and reality and drugs both suck folks...so try to mix it up a bit...

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

ok...I feel better now...alcohol helps...

I guess things could be worse than yesterday...

Speaking of yesterday... here are some old sad things...

Somehow, some days, I can emphathise...

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
(This is now both a pre&post modern representation).

Monday, March 21, 2005

Sunday, March 13, 2005

a ED fen off girl grins john...

well, don't blame me...having this guy as a world leader doesn't make much sense either...

screw it...let's party...

...thanx to everyone who is trying to make this planet a better place to live until we get a little more wise...

things are not always as they seem...

this is so 80's...

thar she blows...


This is absurd...and funny as hell...

I am going to try to remember this every day...

and I wish like hell I could get this song outta my head...

Saturday, March 12, 2005

This is a great film...

If you have the time watch it here...

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Interesting to note that first comment...thank you...I am well aware of the fact that sometimes time gets away from me.
I am also aware, through the process of logical reason...that time escapes us all in the end...sooo...therefore...it is not a factor in how I choose to live my life...

...the practical application of time is not something I live my life thinking a lot about...

Me?...I would much rather be laughing @ life and the many absurdities within...
...somehow makes it all worthwhile...don't cha know?...

a few "classic" links...
margarita machine...

..still a classic...


...just imagine my surprise...

...windows...still trying to run...(give them credit for trying)...

...for Easter Sunday...

but there is something wrong here...

...lost in translation...

...shake the booty...

...no worries...I have a rasentraktor...

...bag yer pussy today!...

then again...wtf do I know?...I just post here...

Monday, March 07, 2005

Real Life vs Internet

There are a few differences, just as there are between real life and Grand Theft Auto and Halo.

This is a TEST...Are you Executive material?

Let's see how you do...post your answers in the comments section and no fair cheating...

If you have seen the test...no comments please...and no "searching" the answers either.

This is also a test of how honest you are!

(Answers to be posted whenever I get around to posting them).


1. How do you put a giraffe into a refridgerator?
2. How do you put an elephant into a refridgerator?
3. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals are attending except for one. Which one?
4. You find yourself in a situation where you must cross a river inhabited by crocodiles. How do you go about crossing it?

Saturday, March 05, 2005


Welcome to yet another corner of the net.

Which is to say there will be even more still ranting and raving on all manner of topics just like everyone else with a 'puter and in-between relationships...
...a bit of something for everyone I hope.

Will never forget ya brother
nuff said...

Standard Adult Content Warning:
This blog may have content that is not suitable.
click here if you are underage...

If you are on AOL...and are having problems viewing any material here...just kill yourself...

sorry...I take it back...we are all going to die anyway...well most of us

...so...what to do till the end of the world?
no...not that

this would be good...

yo...that's it!...I'll be a rap star...
custom rap cd covers...

nah...rap isn't for me...
this is better anyway...

Anyway, I was walking through Beaver Dick Park the other day...minding my own bizz, when I ran into a
Jesus freak... (not that there is anything wrong with that)...so I did not let what he had to say bother me much.

I saw squirrels in the park...and they weren't very nice either. So I went home and called up some bacon whores.
And that was a nice way to end the day.