Sunday, October 30, 2005

Thinking of printing off a few bills?...

...think again...
big brother is watching...

they are moving to the pacific northwest...

where they hope to find a community that judges people on the color of the skin they have...

this crap is still happening?...

ABC News reports...

Somehow...I already knew this...

good and bad places to work...

A note for the extreme right-wing...

Somewhere Bill Clinton is roflol...

His poll numbers were never this low...

And part of him is probably not laughing at all...

Even when he lied about having "sex" with that woman...

Nobody died...because of his lies...

just so ya know...

More on Joe Wilson...

And how the entire weight of the White House was brought down on him...

because they could...

anyone else but me remember the last administration that decided they knew better than the constitution?...

hint...they both had "tricky dicks"...

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Common sense...

Here is some food for thought…

The Vice President of The United States had a conversation with his chief of staff about the wife of a political enemy. Her status as an operative for the C.I.A. was discussed and disclosed.

What possible reason would these two men have for such a conversation?
What does this tell us about the culture within the administration?

This is passing on classified information without a “need to know”.
A clear violation of the spirit, if not the letter of the law.
Anyone who has ever worked with classified material knows this.

Two last questions:

Why is the Vice President not being indicted?

Why is there any question in anyone’s mind that this was done in retaliation for Joe Wilson’s report that one of the basic reasons for war with Iraq was simply not true?

Rich, fat, double chin yuk monkey laughs...

while we worry about making ends meet this winter...

Friday, October 28, 2005

And now for something completely different...

13 nude chicks...

no, no, don't thank me...
my pleasure really...
the management...

...good-night and have a pleasant tomorrow...

A few thoughts on a late October evening…

I don’t know why I do this folks.
I have no real clue why I spend so much time with something such as a “blog”.
Or anything else I do on the net for that matter.

I could say that I believe in certain things and have found friends who believe much the same way if not exactly like I do. And that would be true.

I could say that sometimes I am just bored out of my mind and need an outlet to explode and that would be true also.

But neither of those truths provides much explanation.

Here is my explanation…

I am an idealist at heart.
I believe because of my life experience, in people.

They will surprise you if you give them half a chance…lol…

Damn, writing this down is much tougher than I thought it would be.

Permit this tangent for a moment…

I have made many friends in life.
I have made many friends on the net.
I do not think of them as being two different classifications of relationships.

When all is said and done…
Friends are to me simply friends.

To the point; we all have done that.

I wanted to make people think and laugh and feel.
There is some truth.

Ah shit, I got my hair cut and I’m having a hard time dealing with it right now ok?…

You folks take care now…much love…

5 Stars!...(damn, she is hot and has a lot to say)...


This is not art...

oh, you better believe it is!...

ya know johno, ya could post something upbeat...

because what you post here is not wacky enough...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Bloggers are of course slacker wannabe's...

none of us have much to say of merit or have actually really done anything to impress anybody...many people who read a blog say to themselves "who are you?" tell me?...lmao...many thanx Pete!...(much appreciated)...

Friday, October 21, 2005

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


bears gone wild...the exclusive video posted only on the world wide net!...

you must act now to get yrs plse send yer soscial security number and all information you can to www. bearsgonewild. net .com ...

j/k...wacky vid within...

Batman brilliant...that is my opinion and I'm sticking to it...

Now here is a message from Adam West...
explaining why other take-offs of the Batman series...
were not so good...

...wait for audio...

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Ending on a high...this is really great...

concept, content and execution...
now, to me, that/this is art...

did I mention I like this work?...

go for it ya twit...whadda you got to lose?...


You found incredible pictures on the net!

now...are they real?...


some of you you think I'm a mess...

not even close compared to this guy...

j/ hate mail or comments please...

(shhh...don't tell anybody); but i think he was


Not a waste of your time...

mine...maybe...but not yours, Tom Cruise fans...

Woogle me this...

or woogle me!...ya want I should continue in net speak?...

Oh fer cryin' out loud sit down...


The following link is very popular on the internet...

whaddam I supposed to do?...ignore it?...

A puzzle deal...thing...find yer way out...

when you get there send me a postcard...

This might be something I need soon...

and YOU never know...

this is completely amazing...must see...


A comment please...

Comments are now re-enabled...'t thank me...
my pleasure really...
The management...

Monday, October 10, 2005

well said and amen...

(I don't want this god)
by tcremer

Late last night as I was scanning my nightly news via the current buzz technology, RSS feeds*, I rolled my eyes twice after the headline George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq' scrolled into my newsreader.

Yups, apparently Dubya is on a mission from God to tidy up in the Middle East according to The Guardian Unlimited.
But I somehow doubt that his mission will bring joy to millions as did original mission from God.

He ain't no Elwood and he certainly ain't no Jake.

One of the delegates, Nabil Shaath, who was Palestinian foreign minister at the time, said: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I am driven with a mission from God'. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did."

Oh so easy to pick fights but oh so much harder to bring about real change, real hope for the future. How much hope, Mr. President, do the people of Afghanistan and Iraq have?

Mr Bush went on: "And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East'. And, by God, I'm gonna do it."

Christ, how many times is God going to charge Dubya's gonads with a call to arms? Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, North Korea -- how many countries is he going to bring peace to on a direct order from his born again cult?

There's something to be said for having too many irons in the fire and Bush has every one of his pokers red hot.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

I fought the law...

and the law won...

Twenty things that only happen in movies...


and now for something usefull...

how to carve a pumpkin...

who was that masked man?...

that took over my blog last night and posted something semi-serious?...

I dunno...

here is The President of The United States of America saying he holds conversations with God...

here is an idea...

let's all pretend that everything is ok...

that is what Americans do...look how well we are doing...

we drive around bitching about paying gas prices that Europe has paid for years...

we elect idiots to run a country that was once admired by the entire world...

we have no clue that the house of cards we built is in danger of complete collapse...

and why?...

because the very basis that this country was built on...
is no more...

"if you are not with us you are with the terrorists" not only a statement to justify whatever else may come after that statement...

it is without regard to basic American principles...

life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...

(on a human scale I am proud to be an American)...

the American people are good people...the world knows it!...
and "we the people" have proved it time and time again...

on a geo/political scale I feel like dirt...soiled by my own reticence
...nuff said...

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Republicans...just a elected this guy...

be proud of what you have made the people of the world think of this country!...

dig it...

this "person of science"...has applied, or so they say...Google mapping to where you would emerge if you dug a hole...this blog wishes to commend them...even if it isn't days of old the destination for some reason when I was growing up was always China...

now...they own us pretty much and are wanting to buy more of us...
or at least our elected officials...

so I guess my fellow Americans will have to find a more exotic location to emerge getting our heads out of our asses...

we could start by kicking every elected official out of office and starting over...
but gee...that would be...revolutionary!...mustn't do that!...that would be like letting the people run the country!...(heaven forbid that the people should actually have the right of self determination)...sheer chaos...

overbearing youth minister...

part 89/c...

not sure that the heavy breathing...

is not the worst part of this...

chop chop...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

just a'll take care now...


free at last free at last...thank god almighty...

we're free at last!...

so how much is a billion part two...

remember to multiply by 455...(see post two doors down)...

here ya go...

so how much is a billion?...(see post below)...

a fair question...

one answer...

don't remember the last time I agreed with this guy...

fairly sure it was something like...never...


convincing argument within...

i dunno...i just post here...

and on occasion...things like this...

this kind of thing sends me off the deep end...

there were no missiles fired at the world trade center...
ya frickin' idiot!...

oh...speaking of idiots...

there were no missiles fired at the pentagon...

but wait there is more!...

The Ronco Pocket Fisherman...
was not the greatest invention ever...

btw...Oswald killed Kennedy...i could have done it from where he was...after a six pack of brewski...on a bad day...with the sun in my eyes...get a life!...

it doesn't look good for you Phil...


your life is getting more and more expensive...

real science...well...sort of...

please be carefull and do not put yer eye out...

thanx johno...

for this interesting link...

a bit of history...

a good bit...

Saturday, October 01, 2005

The English Language is a bastard son...

of history...

This is an excellent site...

fun with searching...

I could not find my heart's desire nor the one who wantonly stole my virginity...
A victim I was I say!

I did find a high school girlfriend or two...hmmmm...should history repeat itself?...

perish the thought...

After is short...
There is indeed little time to search the past in hopes of finding a future...
Nonetheless...nice search engine...

Let's see how smart you really are...

be honest here...

Here is to looking down on you kid...

a list of "View from Satellite"...

I didn't check this too well but an overview looks like most are either archived or simply boring...there are a few jewels in here check it out...
the more people who see this world as it really is..."small blue marble"...
the better for us all...

and s'more...

This is a site that a talented photographer created to display the properties of drops of is actually quite good...

which has little or nothing to do with the fact that I want some of what he has been smoking...

drop in here...