(just a test)...
watch it
A few and a bit critical...
hmmmm....let's see what happens...
Observations: 1. Spiffy!...
2. Wow!...those are some big teeth!...
3. (Talks like a man).
4. Be Happy!...Be Very Happy!...
5. Apparently things happen there...did i mention wow?...
6. The Googleplex?...okeydokey then...
7. Kiss ASS!!!...
8. Apparently Google has Big Impact!...(insert more wows and such here)...
9. My God...those are some big teeth!...
10. At Google, we are sooooo cool that we give away 20% of what we think is famous!...
11. They have "tech talks"!!!...
12. The Dreaded Google Fifteen...so that's what the huge teeth are for...okey dokey then...
13. gosh...golly...gee...they even have sand...
14. It's a frickin' cult...ok...got that?...lol...
15. I have really big teeth...and I have a lot of trouble keeping my eyes completely open!!!...
16. Ok...somebody start up some spirit!!!...(puking over here ya'll)...
17. If you watch our vid closely you will note that we have lots and lots of balls...everywhere...
18. Fuckin' Huge Teeth!...
19. 'olly 'ell...there were NO TEETH in that shot...did you see that?...
20. More balls though...sheesh...
21. OMG!!!...these people are sooooo cool!!!!...