Thursday, March 30, 2006



"There are several gaps in our defense," Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minnesota, said, opening a Senate Homeland Security subcommittee hearing on the matter. "These issues must be addressed with a sense of urgency."
Hey, Senator Obvious, that light at the end of the tunnel?...yep...freight train...

"If terrorists were to obtain nuclear or radiological material and smuggle it into this country, the consequences could be catastrophic: a tremendous loss of life and a crippling blow to our economy," said Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, the chairwoman of the full Homeland Security Committee.

Hey, Senator! No frickin' shit!
(nice to see the economy is listed in your evaluation of such results...sheesh...what's the use)?

...Ok, lemme try to explain...
The most likely scenario from such an incident is total and complete chaos. The economy?...complete and total collapse...(think Great Depression x 10)...
as if it would matter at that point...
ya frickin' idiots!...

Golly gee...
You would think they would have taken care of things before an election year!

Apparently not even smart enough to do that...

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