Sunday, April 17, 2005

Make no mistake...he is "currently excited"......

...and the "winner" is...this brilliant mind...that figured out how to find a link on Google and use it to find something...hmmmm...get a life! part four...

I somehow feel I need to add this...

Five Things You Need to Understand...

1. Everything you see or read on the internet is not necessarily true.

2. While it is common knowledge that there is a secret military base at what is called Area 51...few people are aware that Will Smith is NOT capable of knocking out an alien with a single punch.

3. We really...yes...Really...did land on the moon several times.

4. Oswald shot and killed J.F.K./...don't even go himself...(not that hard to do from where he was)...

5. Yes it is possible that Ronald Reagan was a gay alien...(not that there is anything wrong with that)...

6. you are counting and you caught me!...did I mention everything you read on the net just could/might maybe not be true?...

This is cool!...And yes... I want one!

Hope that helps! Don't thank me! It is my pleasure!
The Management...

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